Week 4

This week, there was not too much happening on Dove’s Twitter account. There were a few of the friendly responses to compliments and criticisms, but I’m noticing them recycle the same ones over and over again. I don’t think this is a bad thing, as there’s only so many ways to express gratitude and appreciation, and I think I’m only noticing because I’m studying them so closely. I still think it’s nice of them to get back to as many people as they are. I would say that the most important thing that happened this week was Dove making a twee in Spanish. Normally, companies will have different social media accounts in different languages so people can absorb content in their preferred language, but I think it makes a big statement that Dove chooses to incorporate multiple languages into one account. I did a little research and could not find a Dove account completely in a different language, I think it’s cool that they are inclusive and not separating content and information by something like language.  They also had a comedic moment where someone mistook them as the chocolate brand.