Framing Statement

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6

My Significant Writing Project demonstrates my ability to make local revisions to address my typical errors because in my first draft I made a lot of little mistakes. I put an “a” in “chest” and I included page numbers where no page number was needed and called a source by its wrong name. This was probably the piece I made the most errors on, but it was the piece for teaching me how to fix sentence errors. It mostly taught me that I need to proof-read more. All of these skills I have applied to all of the other things I have written this semester and  I have now found a control over them. As for my MLA citing, I have had that drilled into my brain all of high school and even a bit of middle school, so I came into this class knowing how to properly create an MLA citation. Nevertheless, it’s always good to practice, so my citing skills throughout the semester have definitely improved.