Framing Statement

Learning Outcome 4

I chose this peer review because it was the last formal peer review we did in class and I feel it has showcased how much my skills have changed since the first time we did peer review. While the essay I reviewed was short and I did not have the opportunity for as many comments, there are surprisingly more comments than my first review of a full essay. Not only that, but the suggestions and critiques I made were more meaningful and significant than all of my other comments on other peer’s essays. For example, when it came to reviewing one’s thesis, I would always say “this could be strengthened.” but never gave ideas as to how it could be strengthened or why it needed to be strengthened in the first place. However, throughout the semester I get better at this skill and it shows when I critiqued this essay’s thesis, clarifying, “is this your thesis? it’s a little unclear to me what the point of this essay is through this sentence. You made good points throughout your intro, try incorporating those ideas into your thesis to make it stronger.” By doing this I not only indicated that the thesis needed to be strengthened, but gave ideas as to how and why.