Blog 17: Selecting my final text

According to Atlantic writer Joe Pinsker, not even rich people feel rich these days. Throughout his essay “Who Actually Feels Satisfied About Money,” Pinsker explores why millionaires don’t see themselves as wealthy and poses the question of what truly makes people feel satisfied in this world where nothing ever seems to be enough. He consults several psychologists who offer insights giving their best answers as to how this greediness developed. While there is no definitive answer to why millionaires don’t feel rich or what it would take for said individuals to truly feel that they are successful and accomplished in life, what is known are some causes of the competition that arises from the greediness of wanting to come off as the most wealthy and successful person or people out there. Social competition and image play a big role in this major life problem and its etiology is explored by Pinsker and his consultants. I thought this would be the perfect essay to use as my final reference text because it addresses a major problem occurring in the world today: greediness. Because of this modern society where teens can pay for college tuition by posting YouTube videos or social media posts, people have taken simple things for granted and now so much is needed to make someone feel accomplished or satisfied with their life, no matter how much money they are making. I feel that the integration of arts and sciences can help solve this issue by bringing more creativity into education so as to adapt to the modern world; if more creativity rather than logic and reasoning had a place at the table then kids growing up can experience further development of emotion and empathy to aid them in maneuvering through adult life while appreciating the little things and not taking them so much for granted. Having more arts can teach children to make things themselves or become creative enough to solve their problems rather than buying solutions and competing for the best solution. As far as how this article is reliable, one reason is the studies Pinkster uses. Throughout his article he references several surveys and other statistics and he links each one so the reader can evaluate the findings for themselves. In addition, he states accurate information as depicted by the facts found and portrays them correctly. Another reason is that his essay was written recently, in July 2019, meaning that the facts the references and opinions he gets from professionals are recent as well and most likely to be more accurate information. Furthermore, he uses his essay as a form of education, he does not try to sell anything nor promote a perspective or certain side. He unbiasedly gives information to educate the public or whoever chooses to read this article. There was no information I could find on Pinsker’s credentials, however there was a list on the Atlantic website of all of his previous articles, those are also written about social life and its potential mishaps.

One thought on “Blog 17: Selecting my final text”

  1. This sounds like it will make an excellent conversational partner (with Lehrer and Ma)! I look forward to reading your paper.

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