Blog 18: Brainstorming My Final Essay

For my essay, I chose an article that highlights how greediness has become a major problem in our world. I think that this would be a good topic to introduce the integration of arts with sciences because along with greediness comes competition, which I feel could be combated with empathetic thinking and creativity. I might also make a point about how people can make a living now in social media, on YouTube or Instagram, and how creativity can aid in making that money. Imagination is essential to creating original content. It kind of strays off of the point though, so I may not include it to save my word count for necessary points. Because I’m arguing that the collaboration of art and science should be used in school systems, I think I can bring up the benefits of having empathetic thinking and creativity in modern “standard” jobs, like office jobs, and jazzing up a presentation or meeting or just coming up with new ways. to benefit a company can lead to a promotion or raise. Having logic and facts is also important for jobs, but it can come off as boring and dull if you don’t have the imagination to make it more interesting. Teaching this in schools can help kids learn from an early age how to be original and how to be out-of-the-box thinkers, which could lead to more innovation. Lastly, I will alter my naysayer paragraph so it can fit into my draft and tie in how empathy, creativity, and imagination could help solve the problem of greediness by eliminating that sense of competition.

One thought on “Blog 18: Brainstorming My Final Essay”

  1. This sounds like you made the most of your plan. Something to consider: How does innovation resolve greed? Where does greed come from?

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